Optimizing Fuel Cell Catalyst Stability upon Integration with Reforming

OFICeR – G5729

Towards stable graphene-based PEMFC catalyst support
for autonomous operation


Stable and affordable PEM-FC will allow the reliable autonomous supply of electricity by replacing a typical high-surface-area with graphene-based carbon by decreasing the Pt content

Stability of PEM-FC catalyst will be addressed: by feedback between synthesis, modeling, and advanced characterization

New Pt-modified-graphene and non-Pt-modified-graphene composites will be developed and tested at relevant conditions (diesel reformer)


OFICeR combines modern synthetic procedures, state-of-the-art theoretical calculations, and some of the most advanced materials characterization tools in order to reach project goals.

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Project is implemented by NIC (project director assoc. prof. dr. Nejc Hodnik, middle), UNSA (project co-director assoc. prof. dr. Sanjin Gutić, left), and FPC (project co-director assoc. prof. dr. Igor Pašti, right).

University of Belgrade – Faculty of Physical Chemistry team

Igor Pašti associate professor Calculations, electrochemical measurements
Nemanja Gavrilov assistant professor Synthesis, electrochemical measurements
Ana Dobrota assistant professor Calculations
Aleksandar Jovanović teaching assistant Calculations, electrochemical measurements
Milena Petković full professor Calculations
Biljana Šljukić Paunković associate professor Synthesis, electrochemical measurements
Ivana Stojković-Simatović associate professor Synthesis, electrochemical measurements
Gordana Ćirić-Marjanović full professor Synthesis, characterization

University of Belgrade – Faculty of Physical Chemistry team

Nejc Hodnik National Institute of Chemistry Laboratory Head
Urša Petek National Institute of Chemistry Postdoctoral Research Associate
Primož Jovanovič National Institute of Chemistry Postdoctoral Research Associate
Matija Gatalo National Institute of Chemistry Postdoctoral Research Associate
Luka Pavko National Institute of Chemistry Ph.D. Student
Leonard Moriau National Institute of Chemistry Ph.D. Student
Stefan Popović National Institute of Chemistry Ph.D. Student
Armin Hrnjić National Institute of Chemistry Ph.D. Student
Blaž Likozar National Institute of Chemistry Department Head
Sanjin Gutić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science Associate Professor
Dalibor Karačić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science Ph.D. Candidate
Jelena Ostojić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science Assistant Professor


University of Belgrade – Faculty of Physical Chemistry project-related publications

          New equipment:

          • Cary Eclipse Spectrofluorimeter (Agilent)
          • XRD diffractometer (Phywe)
          • Electrochemical quartz microbalance (Gamry)
          • Potentiostat (PalmSense)

          More info:


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