Science fund of Republic of Serbia – PROMIS program 2020-2022

Rational design of multifunctional electrode interface for efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen production

Implemented by the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Physical Chemistry (FPC) and the Institute for multidisciplinary research of the University of Belgrade (IMSI)

The goal is to develop a new family of noble metal-free electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction guided by a combination of multiscale modeling and rational computational design with synthesis, characterization, and experimental testing.

The concept is based on the atomic-scale understanding and control of various interfacial processes at complex electrode interfaces in order to boost the hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media.

Ova slika ima prazan alt atribut; ime njene datoteke je concept-1-1024x562.png

The project is led by Dr. Igor Pašti (FPC). The team includes Dr. Biljana Šljukić Paunković (FPC), Dr. Uroš Lačnjevac (IMSI), Dr. Nemanja Gavrilov (FPC), Dr. Ana Dobrota (FPC) and Aleksandar Jovanović (FPC)

Ova slika ima prazan alt atribut; ime njene datoteke je DSC_3584-1024x510.jpg
From left to right: Igor, Uroš, Ana, Biljana, Nemanja, and Aleksandar


  1. A. Z. Jovanović, S. V. Mentus, N. V. Skorodumova, I. A. Pašti, Reactivity Screening of Single Atoms on Modified Graphene Surface: From Formation and Scaling Relations to Catalytic Activity, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2020) 2001814,, preprint available at
  2. I. Pašti, A. Dobrota, S. Gutić, A. Jovanović, S. Mentus, How Theory Can Help Us with Engineering Graphene-Based Materials for Electrochemical Applications?, ISE 2020, Belgrade Virtual Meeting, September 2020, invited lecture
  3. Cha et al. As a single atom Pd outperforms Pt as the most active co-catalyst for photocatalytic H2 evolution, iScience, 24 (2021) 102938,
  4. Ana S. Dobrota, Tanja Đokić, Natalia V. Skorodumova, Slavko V. Mentus, Igor A. Pašti, What Is the Real State of Single-Atom Catalysts under Electrochemical Conditions—From Adsorption to Surface Pourbaix Plots? Catalysts 11(10) (2021) 1207;
  5. Ana S. Dobrota, Tanja Đokić, Igor A. Pašti, What is the State of Single Atom Catalysts under Electrochemical Conditions – DFT Study of SACs Embedded in Graphene Lattice?, 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Jeju, Jeju, South Korea (online), 8/29/2021 – 9/3/2021
  6. Aleksandar Z. Jovanović, Sanjin J. Gutić, Igor A. Pašti, One-Step Electrochemical Synthesis of Ni@rGO Composites with High Electrocatalytic Activity towards Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Media, 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Jeju, Jeju, South Korea (online), 8/29/2021 – 9/3/2021
  7. Aleksandra Miladinović, Ana S. Dobrota, Igor A. Pašti, Kinetic Monte Carlo Modelling of Complex Electrocatalytic Interfaces for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Jeju, Jeju, South Korea (online), 8/29/2021 – 9/3/2021
  9. Igor Pašti, Tamara Lazarević-Pašti, Sanjin Gutić, ULTRASOUND AND GRAPHENE OXIDE – SOMETHING GOOD AND SOMETHING BAD, 4IMMERA, Books of Abstract (preliminary book of abstracts can be found at:,
  10. Karačić et al. Electrochemical reduction of thin graphene-oxide films in aqueous solutions: restoration of conductivity, Electrochimica Acta Volume 410, 1 April 2022, 140046,, preprint available at,
  11. Dobrota et al. Surface Pourbaix plots of M@N4-graphene single-atom electrocatalysts from Density Functional Theory thermodynamic modelling, Electrochimica Acta Volume 412, 20 April 2022, 140155,, preprint available at,
  12. Jovanović et al. Enhancement of hydrogen evolution reaction kinetics in alkaline media by fast galvanic displacement of nickel with rhodium – from smooth surfaces to electrodeposited nickel foams, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 414, 10 May 2022, 140214,, preprint available at,
  13. Rafailovic et al. New insights into the metallization of graphene supported composite materials – from 3D Cu grown structures to freestanding electrodeposited porous Ni foils, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 5, 4352–4362, (OPEN ACCESS)
  14. Balčiūnaitė et al. Steps towards highly-efficient water splitting and oxygen reduction using nanostructured β-Ni(OH)2, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 10020-10028, (OPEN ACCESS)
  15. Lazar Bijelić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Igor Pašti, Improving the electrocatalytic activity of nickel for HER in alkaline media by galvanic exchange with rhodium, 19th Young Researchers Conference, – Materials Science and Engineering, December 1-3, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-86-80321-36-3, available at
  16. Aleksandar Z. Jovanović, Sanjin J. Gutić, Lidija Rafailović, Igor A. Pašti, Electrochemical deposition for advanced engineering of novel electrocatalytic interfaces, 19th Young Researchers Conference, – Materials Science and Engineering, December 1-3, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-86-80321-36-3, available at
  17. Igor Pašti, Skorašnja istraživanja elektrohemijske konverzije energije na Univerzitetu u Beogradu – Fakultetu za fizičku hemiju i fokus na „zeleni“ vodonik kroz projekat RatioCAT, NAUČNI skup Savremeni pravci istraživanja vodonika kao goriva budućnosti (2022), Knjiga sažetaka, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 10. jun 2022. ISBN 978-86-82139-84-3
  18. Ana S. Dobrota, Igor A. Pašti, Površinske faze na bazi nikla za pospešivanje disocijacije vode i proizvodnje vodonika – teorijski uvidi, NAUČNI skup Savremeni pravci istraživanja vodonika kao goriva budućnosti (2022), Knjiga sažetaka, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 10. jun 2022. ISBN 978-86-82139-84-3
  19. Aleksandar Z. Jovanović, Igor A. Pašti, Sanjin J. Gutić, Lidija Rafailović, Elektrodeponovani NirGO katalizatori za efikasnu elektrokatalitičku proizvodnju vodonika, NAUČNI skup Savremeni pravci istraživanja vodonika kao goriva budućnosti (2022), Knjiga sažetaka, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 10. jun 2022. ISBN 978-86-82139-84-3
  20. Lazar Bijelić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Igor Pašti, Ispitivanje uticaja parametara elektrodepozicije i različitih predtretmana za Ni elektrode na njihovu aktivnost za reakciju evolucije vodonika u alkalnoj sredini, NAUČNI skup Savremeni pravci istraživanja vodonika kao goriva budućnosti (2022), Knjiga sažetaka, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 10. jun 2022. ISBN 978-86-82139-84-3
  21. Denisov, N., Qin, S., Will, J., Vasiljevic, B. N., Skorodumova, N. V., Pašti, I. A., Sarma, B. B., Osuagwu, B., Yokosawa, T., Voss, J., Wirth, J., Spiecker, E., Schmuki, P., Light-Induced Agglomeration of Single-Atom Platinum in Photocatalysis. Adv. Mater. 2022, 2206569. (open access)
  22. Gebremariam GK, Jovanović AZ, Dobrota AS, Skorodumova NV, Pašti IA. Hydrogen Evolution Volcano(es)—From Acidic to Neutral and Alkaline Solutions. Catalysts. 2022; 12(12):1541. (open access)
  23. Gutić, S.J.; Metarapi, D.; Jovanović, A.Z.; Gebremariam, G.K.; Dobrota, A.S.; Nedić Vasiljević, B.; Pašti, I.A. Redrawing HER Volcano with Interfacial Processes – the Role of Hydrogen Spillover in Boosting H2 Evolution in Alkaline Media. Preprints 2022, 2022110505 (https://10.20944/preprints202211.0505.v1) (open access preprint, submitted to Catalysts)
  24. Vasiljević BN, Jovanović AZ, Mentus SV, Skorodumova NV, Pasti I. Galvanic displacement of Co with Rh boosts hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions in alkaline media. Research Square; 2022. https://10.21203/ (open access preprint, submitted to Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry)

Final meeting

Naučni skup / Scientific Meeting

Savremeni pravci istraživanja vodonika kao goriva budućnosti
Contemporary research in the field of hydrogen as the fuel of the future

Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti / Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 10. 06. 2022.

Book of Abstracts / Knjiga sažetaka

Book of Abstracts / Knjiga sažetaka (second edition)

New equipment

  • Upgrades to Phenom ProX Scanning Electron Microscope for particle metrics and 3D surface reconstruction
  • Plasma sputter coater for preparation of samples for SEM.
  • New water purification system
  • Small laboratory equipment


Dr. Igor Pašti, full professor, email:, phone: +381 11 3336 625


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